recently recorded a 30 minute pod cast for POD3 TV. In this I discuss
how metabolic typing handles the questions of what to eat, how much
to eat and which foods to avoid.
can download the full 30 minute recording to your Ipod or computer
by visiting the POD3
TV web site. A five minute preview can be found below.
your metabolic type is the single biggest measure you can take to
getting a six pack and optimizing the results from your training
too long now rugby has lagged behind the rest of sport in both fitness
and preparations. Metabolic typing offers you the most advanced
nutrition strategy for sporting performance. It is also the most
effective way to optimize your health for general well being.
typing answers the foundational questions of nutrition by telling
What to eat
• How much to eat
• What foods to specifically avoid
• All other aspects of nutrition including supplements, food
quality etc
make these recommendations the science of metabolic typing has been
rapidly developing from the pioneering work of many researchers
throughout the last fifty years.
typing recognizes that there are ten fundamental control systems
within the human body. Each of these systems determines the way
the chemical reactions occur within your body. Read more about this
in my overview of metabolic
keep up to date ensure you are signed up for my newsletter. If you
want to find out your metabolic type consider one of my rugby
performance programmes.
your free E-book : Rugby fitness training