fitness training - Emotional freedom technique (EFT)
achieve optimum performance it is necessary to unleash the full
potential of all your physical abilities.This can only be done by
removing the limiting beliefs that affect us all in one way or another
in every component of our life.
freedom technique (EFT), a branch of science called energy psychology
combines traditional psychological techniques with a realigning
of your electrical system using the meridian points from acupuncture.
combination, which works by using statements to tune the mind into
an issue and tapping with your fingers on the meridian points produces
subtle yet significant changes in the electrical pattern of the
body. This change removes negative thought patterns, beliefs and
behaviors to produce sensational results and effects on performance.
does it work?
works because the human body is a complex system of electrical signals
and vibrations. It is seen that all negative beliefs, thoughts and
feeling are associated with a disturbed electrical pattern within
the body. To remove these it is therefore necessary to realign the
associated electrical system rather than address the underlying
thoughts. This can be done by tapping with your fingers and using
other techniques on the meridian points (ends of the electrical
paths along the body).

does it work?
works because every single action we take must be processed through
our subconscious before we do it. On the playing field it is these
beliefs that shape how you perform.
you believe that tackling hurts you will not be the best tackler
in the team, if you think that you are slow you will not go on the
outside. Other examples include fears of certain players, positions
in the game, beliefs you are not good enough to do something, the
deep down feeling you are going to miss this kick.
in form, which every player goes through at some point is a sign
of a reversed electrical system. This is also shown when a player
performs very badly in one particular aspect of their game compared
to the others. This needs to be re aligned to get over this problem.
Your body may do this naturally over time or can be hurried along
by these techniques.
EFT negative beliefs can be removed, the slumps reversed and improvements
in performance will occur often quickly and effortlessly. EFT is
a powerful technique, not just for sports performance but other
aspects of your life too. A life time skill to learn.
you would like to learn about how to use EFT yourself check out
my Rugby courses.
the techniques
sports psychology and EFT will allow you to play at a higher percentage
of your maximum ability. To increase your maximum ability you must
focus upon each of the different training areas. This will raise
your athletic potential.
mains areas to focus upon are agility,
sprint training,
resistance training,
aerobic fitness,
core and flexibility.
The combination of these based upon your specific needs will produce
dramatic results.
optimize the benefits from training any conditioning routine must
be backed up by nutrition.
The most effective sports nutrition system in the world is metabolic
typing. It is used by many professional teams. It is based on
discovering your unique nutritional needs. |